Is placenta considered a halal product?

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Often times, many Muslims asked if placenta products are halal. First of all, we need to understand how placenta products are made. Some imported brands sold in Malaysia have met the high standards of production processes required by the Federation of Islamic Associations of New Zealand (FIANZ). Halal certification of these placenta products shows steps have been taken to prevent contamination with non-halal products. These include separate processing rooms, equipment and storage areas are all been looked into to avoid contamination of non-halal products.

From handling, processing and storage, the entire process is kept halal. This is even more so, for the production of the capsules that keep the placenta extracts. These capsules are mostly made from bovine. While some may ask if Malaysian Islamic Authority has given halal certification to placenta products, they can actually feel safe to consume it as these placenta products have gained Halal certification from other Islamic Associations in their respective countries.


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What is the most effective way to a healthier living with placenta products?

food_placenta2Placenta nourishes the fetus while transferring foods and many other important nutrients in the uterus from the mother to the growing unborn fetus. This life-giving process has become an inspiration to create placenta products that are clinically safe and tested.
As placenta is uniquely beneficial, there are many products being made to sustain healthier living. Among them are stem-cell therapy, placenta extraction, encapsulation, pills and even placenta juice. Whatever it is, some believe there are risks or harm if consumed placenta raw. It is simply  because placentophagia exposes oneself to harmful radicals while processed placenta products undergo thorough stringent quality control and lab tests.
To produce placenta products, live cell extraction method is employed and placentas are sanitized to eliminate any harmful radicals and undesired adverse effects. Whether it is in the form of pills, stem cell therapy (injection), or placenta cream, one can lead a healthy living by consuming or applying the products according to its prescription. Placenta products are renowned to help replenish our body with rich nutrients, improve our body system circulation, balance our hormones, boost our energy and so many more benefits.

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