To choose between sheep placenta or deer placenta?


Question falls to many new consumer. Which do i go for? Would there be a difference. And the answer are:-

1) It was sheep placenta that was first introduce into the market. Deer placenta then comes into the market later this few year.

2) There are 2 segment of marketing company which is doing the placenta business. The conventional retailing and the multi level marketing (MLM). Conventional are mainly found in pharmacy which is selling generally “sheep placenta” where the MLM are exclusively from offices / events to their members directly.

3) Function for both deer and sheep are almost the same accept added-value ingredient which makes it’s product better ( You need to find out what’s in beside placenta ingredient). Lastly the “mg” per capsule. (we shall come into that our next week sharing).


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Signs of you may have Hormone Problems

yinyangHow do you know if you’re having Hormone problems? Here are few signs you should look at :-

Physically you will notice in a short time of period your weight gain. Emotion of anxiety, irritability and depression that may causes from stress or insomnia (poor sleeping patterns or habits). Sweating allot & weak heart beat signs. Certain craves for food and digestion problems all together.
Would taking hormone, collagen or placenta products helps?
Yes, that may help but you also must learn how to create a better nutrient diet and most importantly try to release your stress to overcome this manner.

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Can placenta products improve your vitality & stamina?

exercisePlacenta products does help improve your vitality & stamina in a way but not entirely. It’s not protein nor booster that stimulate your blood stream. What it does simply improve your blood floor and help restore back healing system bit by bit. If you really want a improve more ? Go exercise and try doing that everyday.

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Does placenta product helps on intimacy?

familyAnd the answer is “there is a higher possibility”. But it can never be claim. So how does it work?

Placenta helps improve your immune system
• that means you’re repairing yourself
• when you’re healthier, chances are higher for you to be intimated compare those who’s body is weaker
• It helps balance your hormone system and improve blood circulations

When your body is weak, unbalance hormone and stress. It’s likely a lower chance to be intimacy. All healthy living leads a happier life and therefore you then only able to produce life.

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Does Placenta Really Helps Regain Your Youth?

Portrait of a group of male mature friends sitting together on bench by the ocean - Outdoor

Does it really works? And the answer is yes, function of placenta stimulate your hormone and enhance your self healing body system. When your body begins to heal, repairing from inside out. You will defiantly see improvements. However, taking placenta is not just part of what’s giving you the youth. You then realise most of your bad habits are begin to reduce as you start exercising and having a healthier meals and diet that comes along …

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New Placenta Product on the Block!

Oricell – From detox to placenta cell building. Another placenta product on the shelve.  450mg per capsuled. Beautiful design leaflet and it’s base on Deer placenta. Competitor will be Putier, Lucenta, Celllabs, Dragon Herb & etc …

Check out for more information at their facebook only
Oricell 1 Oricell 3 Oricell 2 Oricell 4

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What is Enteric Coating?

Enteric-coatEntering Coating is one of the common use protective capsule cover for many brands in sheep or deer placenta. It function as to resist to gastric acidic fluid that may destroys almost 80% of placenta ingredients if not protected. When the capsule flows it’s way pass, there will be at least 60 – 80% of the placenta reaches your intestine for absorption.  Therefore you’ll able to benefits from it’s ingredients …

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What is the difference between Collagen and Placenta?

collagen-placentaCollagen has 2 types. 1 extracted from plant and the other from fish. Most people claim that fish is better but if it’s in the form of powder. Fishy smell are likely to be rejected by some people.

Function of Collagen and why people buying it: It helps hold on to the abundant protein in human body. Collagen can be found in bones, muscles, skin and tendons where it provide strength and structure to it.

For more info:

Placenta: It an extracted contains from mammals such as sheep & deers generally. It comes in soft gel pill and enteric coated capsule. 

Function of placenta and why people buying it: Placeta activates the release of HGH (Human Growth Hormone) which vital hormone to regulate to regenerate damaged cell and also repairing wounded cells. It also helps produce collagen and glycosaminoglycans that is similar to collagen function.

For more info:

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Now everybody can EAT PLACENTA

Sheep & Deer Placenta product comparison in Malaysia

Celllabs Sheep Placenta for just RM98

For people who wants to try out sheep placenta product without a large investment whether it’s for you or not. This may be the best time. I will continue to share more “promotions” if come across to share it here for your review.

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Placenta product comparison from brand, function & price

Which Placenta product to buy or choose from

Placenta Product Comparison in Malaysia – Part 1


Chart comparison between price, function & usage of dosage

Chart comparison between price, function & usage of dosage

So many placenta products & brands in the market. How to choose your budget and the best function for yourself? Here are some brands and listing in Chart form for easy comparison.


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