Placenta Consumer Series 2: Benefits for Adults in their Thirties.


“Life begins at 30”. That is what many people said. True. At age 30 and above, the pace of life starts to move faster as your career picks up. It is also at this age that you start having your own family. Success starts at this ripe age especially after they work their way up the ladder of success in their twenties. People in their thirties learn from mistakes in the past and know how to handle their finance better. At this age, they need to strike a balance between their personal health and career.

Placenta products are health supplements with all the important nutrients needed for this age. As women enter their thirties, their fertility naturally declines. They may not notice much changes in menstrual cycle but their body is undergoing changes. For men in their thirties, their energy and stamina level is not as great as in their twenties. Placenta which have growth factors and peptide proteins will help boost the energy levels, repairing and rejuvenating the cells and ultimately, the body itself. With placenta, your body will have more resistance to sun burn and repair damage caused by injuries. Placenta also helps boost the level of confidence through healthy looking skin and hair. Consumers will experience glossier and healthier hair due to the rich nutrients and repair properties of placenta. In short, placenta is the much needed supplement at this age when you need to strike a balance between your health and personal life.

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Placenta Consumer Series 1: Benefits for Youths in their Twenties.


Youths lead an active lifestyle. At age 20 years and above, they set their focus on their studies and career. At this maturing age, they are vibrant, filled with positive energy and have a lot of time on their hands to experiment, learn from mistakes and accumulate a certain dose of experience. Career development is always their priority. In other words, the youths today need the vitality of life and mental focus. As the saying goes, “Youthfulness starts from within”, youths can stay healthy and youthful by choosing smartly the right products to consume. Placenta is the way to go.

Placenta products which are formulated for youths will help nourish their body, provide the energy and stamina they need. For those who are studying, it is good as it helps sharpen their focus with nutrients for the brain. Female youths need not worry much when it comes to menstruation problem. Placenta helps manage menstruation by balancing their hormone level. As placenta contains abundant cell building blocks, active-growth factors, antioxidants and skin-beautifying ingredients, it will enhance the youthfulness of the skin. For youths who tend to have open pore skins due to their active body metabolism and injuries, placenta can help regulate natural sebum production and reduce open pores. At this young age, allergies are common. However, placenta with its natural nutrients can help minimise allergic reaction. All in all, placenta products are suitable for youths when they are specially formulated for their age.

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What are the processes involved in the production of placenta products?

Did you know the placenta products which you bought off the shelf have undergone many processes before they are all made available to you? While it is easy to consume these products like placenta capsules, the placenta products were all tested and underwent meticulous and stringent quality control. It starts with the breeding of sheep in the farm and in some brands, the breeding takes place in the pristine farms of New Zealand. Then the raw materials consisting placentas are kept frozen and transported to the factory. The placentas are cleaned with specific reagents to remove toxic materials. The placentas are then extracted for their bioactive raw materials using  several proteolytic enzymes. Odour is then reduced by decomposition of amino acid with specific microbial reaction. The placentas essence are then freeze-dried at -900C. Here 90% of the moisture is drawn to preserve and maintain the freshness of bioactive material for 3 to 4 years.
This is followed by condensation of placentas to different degrees of ratio (eg 20, 50, 120) times smaller molecule size to enable easier absorption by our body. The capsule is then filled with nitrogen to prevent decomposition or oxidation of the bioactive materials. To enhance its efficacy, the placentas are also blended with various ingredients, from aloe vera to cod fish oil. The capsule is then enteric coated to make it more easily to absorb by our body 4 to 5 times. 

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Can we take placenta products while we are on medication?

When we are on medication, our body system will react to the medicines as prescribed by the doctor. In many cases, even taking herbal supplements and other forms of supplements together with our prescribed medicine is not advisable. It is simply because the goodness of the supplements can easily be gone or react together with the medicine. Likewise it is not advisable to take placenta products together with your medicine like aspirin.
Another noteworthy information is avoid taking caffeine products immediately after consuming placenta products. Caffeine is a stimulant and a diuretic and can be found in tea, soda, coffee and chocolates. As it is a stimulant, it increases your blood pressure and heart rate, and will take away the wholesome goodness and nourishment of placenta products.
As a matter of fact, consuming placenta products with an empty stomach is the best way to get the ultimate goodness of placenta.

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What are the differences of consuming raw placenta and processed placenta?

Although ancient practice has recorded the consumption of raw placenta in some cultures, many researchers remain skeptical about the benefits of this practice which is known as placentophagy. In fact, a researcher with experiences of animals consuming placentas mentioned in 2007 that there is no research to substantiate raw placentas consumption benefits. To him, the cooking process would destroy all the protein and hormones, and drying it or freezing it would also destroy all the goodness of it. Moreover, raw placenta exposes people to blood-borne diseases as the mother’s blood is shared with other people.
Unlike raw placenta, processed placenta is safer and more hygienic because stringent production processes and quality control that adhere to industry benchmark are observed. These processed placentas in the form of pills, capsules or even powder would undergo many tests before they are given stamp of approval by the authorities. Even the capsules used to contain the placenta in some brands would comply to the halal certification benchmark or shariah-compliant. Compared to raw placenta, processed placenta has proven to be beneficial and nourishing.

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When did mankind discover the goodness of placenta?

It is obvious that placenta has held a place of honour throughout the history of mankind as evident in the cremation rituals of ancient civilisations as well as the traditional healings using placenta. Man has discovered the goodness of placenta as a medicinal supplement centuries ago. For the Chinese and Vietnamese, it was a traditional practice to prepare placenta to be consumed by the mother to recover fast from childbirth. The 16th Century Chinese medical text, the Compendium of Materia Medica, stated “when a woman in Liuqiu has a baby, the placenta is eaten,” and that in Bagui, “the placenta of a boy is specially prepared and eaten by the mother’s family and relatives.” On the other hand, the Great Pharmacopoeia of 1596, recommended placental tissue mixed with human milk to help overcome the exhaustion of Chi energy. These include anemia, weakness and coldness of the sexual organs with involuntary ejaculation of semen. Dried, powdered placenta would be stirred into wine-cups of milk to make a Connected Destiny Elixir. The elixir would be warmed in sunlight, then taken as treatment.

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Is placenta considered a halal product?

Portrait of a group of male mature friends sitting together on bench by the ocean - Outdoor

Often times, many Muslims asked if placenta products are halal. First of all, we need to understand how placenta products are made. Some imported brands sold in Malaysia have met the high standards of production processes required by the Federation of Islamic Associations of New Zealand (FIANZ). Halal certification of these placenta products shows steps have been taken to prevent contamination with non-halal products. These include separate processing rooms, equipment and storage areas are all been looked into to avoid contamination of non-halal products.

From handling, processing and storage, the entire process is kept halal. This is even more so, for the production of the capsules that keep the placenta extracts. These capsules are mostly made from bovine. While some may ask if Malaysian Islamic Authority has given halal certification to placenta products, they can actually feel safe to consume it as these placenta products have gained Halal certification from other Islamic Associations in their respective countries.


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What is the most effective way to a healthier living with placenta products?

food_placenta2Placenta nourishes the fetus while transferring foods and many other important nutrients in the uterus from the mother to the growing unborn fetus. This life-giving process has become an inspiration to create placenta products that are clinically safe and tested.
As placenta is uniquely beneficial, there are many products being made to sustain healthier living. Among them are stem-cell therapy, placenta extraction, encapsulation, pills and even placenta juice. Whatever it is, some believe there are risks or harm if consumed placenta raw. It is simply  because placentophagia exposes oneself to harmful radicals while processed placenta products undergo thorough stringent quality control and lab tests.
To produce placenta products, live cell extraction method is employed and placentas are sanitized to eliminate any harmful radicals and undesired adverse effects. Whether it is in the form of pills, stem cell therapy (injection), or placenta cream, one can lead a healthy living by consuming or applying the products according to its prescription. Placenta products are renowned to help replenish our body with rich nutrients, improve our body system circulation, balance our hormones, boost our energy and so many more benefits.

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Would it help if cancer patients take placenta products?

There are over 200 types of cancers and hence, it is no surprise that many debatedthis question and some feel that taking placenta products will not help cancer patients should it reaches a serious stage like Stage 3 and 4. Some medical experts said cancer starts with deficiency and toxicity. If one doesn’t get enough nutrition, the body will become deficient and the body system will eventually break down. One way to prevent this disease is to eat healthy, nutritional and non-contaminated foods. Placenta products are considered super food which provides the much needed nutrients to the body.
Placenta products help to enhance, repair and regenerate 3 major biological systems of our body. With the nutrients, it will strengthen the immune system and hence, warded off all harmful radicals and viruses. Placenta also helps to balance the hormonal system and hence, one can live a balanced, temperament-free life. It also helps promote blood circulation and hence, the body will be able to replenish and regenerate healthy cells.

So the question whether placenta products help cancer patients will all depend on one’s body reaction and function. Cancer patients are advised not to solely rely on placenta products for treatment but instead treat it a supporting supplements that help enhance their body systems. After all, placenta products are nutritional supplements – not medicine!


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Can pregnant women consume placenta products?



It is common that pregnant women are very strict in their diet and have many taboos to follow. One of them is whether consuming placenta is safe or harmful. Well, placenta products are unlike placentophagia. While placentophagia or eating raw placenta after birth may have negative biological effects on some people, placenta products are processed and scientifically produced through stringent quality control and test. This means whether the placenta products are formulated from cows, sheep or deer, they are mostly safe and bring more benefits than harm to pregnant women.

Among the key benefits of placenta products for pregnant women are:

 Help to balance their hormones. Women with irregular periods may find their hormones balance itself and their menstrual cycle returns to normal easily.

 Replenish depleted iron levels. Pregnant women need sufficient irons to stay healthy. Lack of irons can be harmful to their unborn child.

 Assist uterus to return to pre-pregnancy state. No more worries of what will happen to your

body after giving birth. The uterus will be back to its normal state at a speedier rate.

 Reduce post-natal bleeding. Placenta helps reduce inflammation and redness as well as reduce excessive bleeding after birth.

 Increase production of milk. It has been scientifically proven that placenta products boost milk production as well as giving women healthy firm breasts that boost their confidence and self-esteem.

 Enhance a joyful post-natal period. With a healthy body and mind after consumption of placenta products, women will lead a much happier life.

 Boost energy level. No more feeling tired, drowsy or loss of appetite normally experienced by pregnant women. Placenta products rejuvenate their senses and give them the much needed energy boost.

In short, placenta products are nutritional supplement and act to give both pregnant and non-pregnant women sufficient nutrients needed for a healthier, happier life.

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