“Placenta Perfect 10” Series 3:  Accelerate Healing

Placenta has anti-inflammatory and therefore, promotes fast recovery of wounds and radiation. In fact, early medical literature dating back to 1910 reports the successful use of placenta tissue to heal burns, skin wounds and traumatic injuries.
Modern day reports also highlight placenta is widely used by surgical specialists such as orthopedic surgeons to repair rotator-cuff tears and osteoarthritis of knees and by neurosurgeons during spine operations. With the advent of science and technology combined with the in-depth understanding of the healing process, sterilization and preservation, it has prompted the use of placenta tissue for treatments or healing.
So how does placenta help in healing? The regenerative power of placenta tissues comes from the biological structure, and their rich source of specialized cells that can repair many different body parts and the uniqueness that prevent rejection of acceptance into the body. This differs from stem cells from bone marrow which requires a donor match. Placenta can be used in patients with ease. The tissue can be stored in dry sheets and in an injectable form in freezer.
In short, placenta with its unique regenerative power helps to accelerate healing in our body.

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“Placenta Perfect 10” Series 2:  Promote Immunity

The most important system in our body is the immune system because it helps prevent diseases. If it is weak, chances of becoming ill will be high. Some of the signs indicating this are occasional fatigue, cold, influenza, sore throat, loss of appetite, aching muscles and joints and slow healing of wounds.

Placenta can help boost the immune system. In fact, it is placenta which produces hormones and acts as a shield for the baby in the mother’s body against bacteria and virus. Placenta cells have evolved over millions of years to protect and sustain the developing foetus. It is responsible for the exchange of oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients and waste between the mother and her foetus. It also serves as the key place for formation of fetal blood cells.
The U.S. National Institutes of Health describes placenta as “the least understood human organ but arguably one of the most important.” In some placenta products, the placenta extract is further enhanced with antioxidant ingredients such as grape seed oil and squalene which is known to boost the immune system and used by some consumers to fight cancer.
All in all, placenta has many health and nutritional benefits. It is time to check out placenta products so that you’ll have good immune system to defend yourself against bacteria and viruses.

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“Placenta Perfect 10” Series 1: Reverse Aging

This is the first article of the placenta perfect 10 series in which we will explain all the ten benefits of placenta in detail. Let us start with the first benefit “Reverse Aging”. As the clock ticks, we are experiencing every second of aging. Fine lines or wrinkles, grey hair, saggy skin and pigmentation and dark spots slowly appear. While we can see the gradual changes externally, we may not aware of the changes inside us such as imbalance of hormones.

Placenta which is a live cell therapy with three steps – enhance, repair and regenerate new cells is a proven anti-aging agent both externally and internally. Its regenerative properties on skin, hair and our body system prevent premature aging and significantly slow down the aging process. Placenta with its wholesome goodness of nutrients such as amino acid, active peptides, vitamins and minerals can provide a natural lift to sagging skins, firming your skin without any surgery at all (non-surgical facelift). It also improves the skin texture, making it supple and less fine lines.

So how does placenta help for our health internally as an anti-aging agent? As we age, we may also experience insomnia due to hormone imbalance but with placenta nutrient goodness, such problems may no longer exist.
Even it was reported that stroke patients also benefitted from placenta. Stroke happens because of cerebrovascular congenial defects but placenta can help by providing rich nutrients to the brain and body.

All in all, placenta helps in reverse aging both internally and externally.

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Sheep, Deer, Pig And Horse Placenta: What Are Their Differences? Part 3

In the first two series of this topic, we have discussed the goodness of sheep and deer placenta and their differences. But how about pig and horse placenta? Are they equally good?

Japan commonly breeds and produces SPF pig (Specific Pathogen Free). It is often used in cosmetics, health food products and supplements as it has vital nutritional goodness such as protein, lipid, carbohydrate, various enzymes, minerals and vitamins. The good thing about pig placenta is it is more affordable compared to other animal placentas.

Then how about horse placenta? Due to its rarity of birth rates (one at a birth), it is not easy to cultivate its placenta although Japan is the common place for thoroughbred horses. The nutritional goodness include protein, lipid, carbohydrate, mineral, amino acid and various enzymes. However, compared to pig placenta, horse placenta has higher concentration of amino acid. Nevertheless, it is still used for cosmetics and health supplements. In some cases, it may not be compatible with the body disposition of users and may cause acne, outbreak of extreme body heat.

All in all, whether it is sheep, deer, pig or horse placenta, users are most advisable to choose the placenta products that best suit their body system.

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Sheep, Deer, Pig And Horse Placenta: What Are Their Differences? Part 2

To say sheep or deer placenta is better is actually quite subjective. Nevertheless, the common deer species will be the New Zealand Red Deer (Cervus Elpahus).

Deer placenta is often used as health supplements and it has lots of nutritional goodness which include the abundant levels of cell building blocks, active growth factors, antioxidants and skin-beautifying ingredients. It is also well-known to be free from diseases especially mad cow disease, foot and mouth disease, and scrapie disease which are normally found in other animals.

Overall, deer is considered as the premier source of placenta and higher level of animal rankings. This is because it resembles very closely to human placenta chemically.

Having said that, where do pig and horse placenta stand? Are they also in the same rank as sheep and deer placenta. Check out our next article next week.

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Sheep, Deer, Pig And Horse Placenta: What Are Their Differences? Part 1

There are all kinds of placenta available in the market and hence, it is mind boggling to choose the best source of placenta. Well, each placenta has both advantages and disadvantages. It all depends on whether your body can adapt to the product or not.

Let us start with sheep placenta. Australia and New Zealand are the most common places to breed this and the most common domestic sheep is Artiodactyla Ruminata Bovidae Ovis Aries and Lincoln sheep.

Sheep placenta is often used as supplements and cosmetics. It has active growth factors, antioxidants, immunization molecules, essential lipids, nucleic acids, amino acids and essential components. What is so beneficial about sheep placenta is its proteins are the most compatible with humankind and don’t create unwanted allergic reactions. It is also similar to the structure of amino acid of human placenta and therefore, enable it to easily permeate our skins.

Overall, sheep placenta is best used for beauty consumption because they are full of nutrients and vitality and has superior immunity and natural disease resistance.
Now the big question is – does deer placenta has the equal benefits as sheep placenta? Well, check it out on the next article.

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“Placenta truly works!” series 3: Francis Yip

Francis Yip has over 20 years of experience as a copywriter and a creative consultant under his belt. As an advertising man, working long hours and staying overnight in the office for days have become a norm.

Lately, due to lack of sleep, fine lines started to appear on his skin and Francis also experienced hair thinning problem. But since he took placenta products, these problems had gradually dissipated.
“My skin texture is now smoother and rejuvenated after I consume placenta. It improves my blood circulation and my hair follicles are much firmer. No more hair loss and pale-looking skin,” he smiled.
“As a copywriter, I have been writing copy to promote products and services even though some are not good. So it is common that some people may not believe what I say. But here it is, an HONEST comment – placenta truly helps me. I mean what I say here. I don’t simply give endorsement but this time, I do because I want people to know about placenta and its efficacy,” said Francis.

In addition to skin and hair problems, placenta has also improved his eyesights. “Long hours at the computer screen makes my eyesights weak. To make matter worse, the glare of the screen causes dizziness. But with placenta, this is no more an issue. I can see clearer and the glare no longer causes me any problem.

“In short, placenta works for me. But don’t take my word for it. Try it,” he said in a serious tone.

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“Placenta truly works!” series 2: Madam Tham

Madam Tham underwent cataract surgery a few months ago. At age 77, the healing process will normally take a much longer period but the wounds on her eyes recovered fast. Thanks to placenta. Although her son bought her placenta capsules, she didn’t believe in its health benefits. It was only after the operation that she was willing to try consuming placenta.

“I heard about placenta but always feel the placenta pills sold out there are very much commercialized. But after taking it consistently for a few months, it helped heal my wounds faster and smoothen my skin texture,” said Madam Tham.

Her skin used to have lots of dark spots or blemishes. This was caused by hormonal imbalances as she was also a thyroid patient. But over time after taking placenta, her skin condition started to show improvement. Although she is in her 70s, the improvement on her skin makes her look much younger and she could also sleep better.

“During the course of taking placenta, some of my friends and neighbours who visted me kept telling me that my face looked radiant and white. I told them I took plancenta,” she said with a smile.
Madam Tham is retired now and spends much of her time with her granddaughter. To her, staying in good health is her priority now.

“You can have all the money you want in the world but you can’t buy good health. That is why I am more open-minded this time and consume placenta even though in the beginning, I was quite reluctant to do so. Placenta has certainly helped me. And I will continue taking it, “ she reiterated her point.

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“Placenta truly works!” series 1: Cole Tan

As a make-up artist for many international events including China Model Search, Cole Tan, 27 is always on the go. He has travelled to Japan, China, Korea, Thailand and other countries to fulfill his dream to work with artistes and event partners.

With eight years of experience in cosmetology under his belt, Cole is well sought-after for his artistry. However, the hectic schedule and extensive travelling have often resulted in insomnia and tiredness. His skin has also started to get weary and show signs of paleness.

“For four years, I have trouble sleeping at night and for that, pimples started to develop and it affected my skin texture. This is bad because I am a make-up artist and needs to take good care of my skin. But thanks to placenta which I started taking two years ago. Placenta has helped improve my skin condition by boosting my blood circulation,” said Cole.

Apart from it, Cole also claimed that since his consumption of placenta, his back muscle ache has also easily recovered. “I used to have back ache. Then one day, I took placenta and within a week, the pain stopped. I tried not taking it then but the pain came back. So I continued taking placenta and my back muscle is now back to normal.” In other words, placenta truly helps in firming up one’s muscles and skin conditions by improving the body’s blood circulation.

“To me, placenta is good for overall health, especially in boosting our immune system,” Cole summed up the goodness of placenta.

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Placenta Consumption: The Cultural Context Series 4

This week, we will discuss about placenta consumption in the North and South America. For the Navajo Indians, it is customary to bury a child’s placenta together with objects within the sacred four corners of the tribe’s ancestral land. In Hawaii, the placenta is washed, and then buried under the tree as a religious ritual. This will bind the child to his or her homeland. The placenta is also sacred and must be handled in a sacred manner to provide for the physical health of the child.

In some regions of South America, the placenta is burned after birth to neutralise it and is planted in the ground to protect it from evil spirits. This is also obvious for the Bolivian Aymara and Quecha people who believe the placenta has its own spirit. In New Zealand, the Maori placenta or whenua as a gift to Papa Tua Nuku or Mother Earth. In Maori, the word for land and placenta are the same (whenua) and illustrates the connection between them. It is usually planted with a tree on family land.

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