What is deer placenta (Is it rare or just different target audience)


Is the similar concept just like Sheep Placenta but it is in deer.

Why Deer?
Deer claim as a highly good for health in many beliefs of the Chinese culture. What was giving such an ideas are back in ancient years where only the rich or royal family are able to afford on “Deer Supplement”  that helps them improve their health and longevity purpose.

Proven to be better?
In terms of statistic, I don’t see much a big difference. But in terms of beliefs. I’ve seen many chooses them for the same purpose for better health and longevity purpose that drive those sales and best driven for marketing approach.

Where does most of Deer Placenta Products comes from?
Originally is from New Zealand. Deer Placenta is widely solve from lots of  MLM (Multi Level Marketing) companies and only a few on Pharmacies or other retailing shops.




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Does placenta improve your Metabolic Age?


Metabolism improve?

Metabolism improve?

Well, the answer is yes and no. Placenta basically improve your health system with the proper diet meals & exercise. You cannot depends fully on the consuming supplementary products claiming the most effective out of just that. Everything comes with proper planning of how you should live your lifestyle.

However, with consuming placenta does help speed up the process of not just giving you a younger look but also more energy for you to last the day. So another word, plan your health the right lifestyle to enjoy the better years ahead

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How many types of Placenta?


For animal placenta: sheep & deer (sometimes human which not legal), horse and cow (which is rare),  For plant placenta: rose, apple, grapes & some other fruits. So far no vegetable yet.

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Where did more placenta products original from?


Different brands as you may find in the market are mainly comes from New Zealand.

New Zealand is the biggest supplier in the world. There are many company’s or laboratories which are supplying their products in OEM format. You name it they have it.

Some placenta from China


Extraction ratio with 50:1, 20:1 and 120:1 are definitely from New Zealand.

Others are from China.

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What are the brands that are selling Placenta products in Malaysia


If you google it as “placenta malaysia”. Brand such as Celllabs, Mega Alpha, Aucenta, MF3, Norefal, Total Image, Rorefal, Purtier, Lavie, Celloceutica, Lucenta & many other brands which sells placenta product in malaysia

Some of the placenta product are sold only in “MLM or Multi level marketing. For more about his information. You may check on their website for more information:


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In what age should i start taking Placenta Products?


You can start consuming placenta products even as young age. But the effect may not seem to react as effective as elderly consuming.

For Children. i think it’s not too advisable because children are always active and at their growing age even if they consume the effect won’t be much from them.

For adult to elderly. This will show more effect as most the growing age is over. With placenta consumed. It may help boost up their immune system and helps brings back the youth in them.

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Is it safe to consume placenta?

Everybody wants to know if there is any side effect? It’s likely that you need to drink lots of water. You might felt abit heatty. And with regulary consume. You won’t be feeling it anymore.

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How does placenta works (on our body system)


Placenta product stimulate your body cells to be active so that it can do it’s job as self-healing and up boosting your immune system for a healthier lifestyle. We may name placenta is a multi-nutrients capsule as it contains protein, minerals, vitamins in proportional value for human needs.

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What is the difference between consumable & aesthetic


Aesthetic, the most effective way to look good and more pain for a person who is not too much into needle or surgery. But it’s the fastest way and the most expensive way.

While on the other hand. I’ll rather have the time to consume it painlessly way to look good and built up a better health, any i’m not in a rush.

For Consumable Products: The Functions on placenta’s consumable products are actually to improve health. For a better health, your complexion will also be improve.

Why better health leads to better complexion?
Everything start from core. Your inner health plays a important role to heal and to built from inside out. That’s why how your complexion will definitely be better.


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What is Placenta


Another word for placenta is where an organ that connects the developing foetus to the uterine wall to allow nutrient uptake, waste elimination and gas exchange via the mother’s blood supply.