Placenta Consumption: The Cultural Context Series 3

From China, Europe to Africa, let us now move to other countries within Asia. In Indonesia, the placenta is seen as the baby’s twin or elder sibling, and therefore, it is considered as the baby’s guardian. The father is responsible to clean, wrap and bury the placenta on the day of the birth. On the other hand, in the Philippines, mothers are known to bury the placenta with books with the hope a smart child.

In Korea, the placenta is burned and the ashes kept. In times of illness, the powder is used to heal the child. Among the Hmong culture, placenta is translated as “jacket,” as it is considered an infant’s first and finest clothing. The Hmong bury the placenta outside as they believe that after death, the soul must make their journey back for rebirth. In Cambodia, the placenta is carefully wrapped in a banana tree leaf, placed beside the newborn baby for three days and then buried. In the Thai culture, salt is put on the placenta and then in an earthen jar. On a day deemed auspicious for burying this clay pot, a site is prepared and the placenta is laid to rest. The Arabs believe the future fertility of a woman is connected to the disposition of the placenta. Should something unpleasant happen to it, the woman may be sterile.

In Turkey, it is believed that the food and drink consumed by the pregnant woman and the people, animals and things she looked at all affects the child. The same belief applies to the relation between the child and the umbilical cord and placenta. It is not to be disposed at their whims and fancy.

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Placenta Consumption: The Cultural Context Series 2

Let us take a look at the consumption of placenta in Africa and Europe. In the African cultures, “zan boku” means “the place where placenta is buried”, normally under the trees to symbolize ongoing life. This is obvious by the Ibo of Nigeria and Ghana where they treat the placenta as the dead twin of a child. The Kikuyu of Kenya bury and cover it with grains and grasses in the field, while other cultures bury it in the dirt floor of the family’s house. On the other hand, some African nations wrap the placenta in the blanket and bury it beneath a tree. As for Mali, the placenta is believed to affect the baby’s temperament or even make it ill. Therefore, the placenta is washed, dried before being placed in a basket to be buried by the father.

In Europe such as France, the placenta is commercially used as cosmetics. However, in 1994, Britain banned the collecting of placentas in the Government after they found out placentas were sold to be exported to France. They used it to make a protein, albumin, for burns and to make enzymes to treat rare genetic disorders. Hence, placenta consumption and rituals differ from one culture to another.

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Placenta Consumption: The Cultural Context Series 1

The consumption of placenta is not a new habit but has been practised for many centuries in various cultures. In China, Emperor Qin ShiHuang, the first emperor of a unified China, has proclaimed placenta as having health properties about 2,200 years ago. Even Empress Dowager CiXi was believed to consume placenta to keep herself young.

This is not surprising as placenta encapsulation is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine techniques, where the placenta is considered as a powerful and sacred health supplement full of “life force” to boost health.

The classical medical text from Ming Dynasty (1,368 – 1,644) described placenta as highly nutritional and if taken for a longer period, it can help achieve longevity. The consumption of placenta has become obvious as pills containing placenta powder are legally available in Chinese pharmacies. Even in maternity hospital in eastern Nanjing, it was reported that 10 percent of new parents consumed their own placenta after childbirth.

Apart from China, Vietnam also views placenta as a life-giving force of good health. Placenta is dried and made into unique formulation to increase a person’s energy and vitality. In fact, TCM practitioners believe placenta is a tonic to fortify the “qi” or life force and enrich the blood.

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Placenta Ingredients Series 2: Enhancing the Efficacy of Placenta Products.

We have highlighted three ingredients, such as fish liver oil, aloe vera and avocado oil previously. As mentioned before, there are many other ingredients used in the formulation of placenta products that help further boost the efficacy of the placenta product.
Let us take a look at the other ingredients here.

· Lycopene (Tomato Extract)
Lycopene can be found in tomato extract and is a strong antioxidant which is good for the heart, preventing heart-related diseases, improving its blood vessel and elasticity as well as enhancing the body’s defense mechanism by protecting enzymes, DNA and cells.

· Astaxanthin (Red Algae)
Dubbed as the King of Antioxidant, red algae is a carotenoid antioxidant that is so tiny that it is able to absorb into the tiny blood vessels, from the eyes to the brain. It acts as an anti-inflammatory, pain reliever and helps reduce fatigue.

· Silk Amino Acid
This extract is taken from the cocoon silk worm and is a strong property in stimulating new cell synthesis and making skin smoother, silkier and supple. It also helps reduce body heat and acts as a natural moisturizer.

· Grape Seed Oil
For many centuries, grapes are known for its medicinal and nutritional value. The grape seeds have high concentration of Vitamin E, flavonoids, linoleic acid, oligomeric and proanthocyanidin complexes which all help in strengthening the immune system as well as act as powerful antioxidant.

These are just some of the many ingredients used in the formulation of placenta products. With the combination of these ingredients, it helps maximise the full potential and benefits of the product.

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Placenta Ingredients Series 1: Enhancing the Efficacy of Placenta Products.


There are many placenta brands available in the market. But have you ever wondered what are the other ingredients used in the formulation or making of the placenta products apart from the placenta itself? And what are the benefits of these ingredients?

All brands have their own formulation and these ingredients will help further enhance the efficacy of the placenta products. It must also be noted that some ingredients may exist in one brand but may not in another. Nevertheless, let us take a look at what these ingredients are.

· Fish liver oil:
Squalene is from the liver of deep sea sharks, and our human skin contains 12% squalene. This ingredient is considered as a major component of sebum and natural emollient of the skin. It protects our skin from UV rays and improves our immune system and organ functions.

· Aloe vera:
Aloe vera is well-known as a natural healing property and has been used for centuries to heal sunburns, scrapes, cuts, rashes and dry skin. It contains Vitamin C, B1, B2, B3, B4, B12 and mucopolysaccarides which has a stimulating effect for our immune system and moisturizing properties.

The oil extract from avocado has many benefits as it contains monounsaturated oleic acid, lecithin, Vitamin A, D and E. It helps inhibit absorption of dietary cholesterol, lowering risk of arterial thrombosis and coronary heart disease. Avocado also acts as antioxidants which reduces age spots, fine lines and wrinkles.

There are many other ingredients and we will continue this in our next article.

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Compromising health with your budget?

Flash BuilderThe rising cost of living these days especially with higher petroleum costs and cooking oil has become the talk of the town. Everyone tries to tighten their purse string. But when it comes to health, don’t compromise it with cheap and unknown health products.

Placenta products are always deemed to be a premium health product and costlier than any other kind of health supplements. The truth is it all depends on the brand. Anyway, here are some tips you can look for when choosing your health supplement:

· Choose a trusted and reliable brand:
Why compromise on your health with cheaper products? Health is not something you should compromise. A premium brand that is trusted and reliable is more worthy than a brand that is unheard of. You may get 10 packets compared to 1 packet of trusted brand but is it worth the risk?

· Collagen, spirulina, vitamin pills or placenta?:
There are all kinds of health supplement. Each has its own benefits. Depending on your needs, choose the one that deemed best suits you. Placenta is suitable for all groups of consumers, be they youths in their twenties, middle aged adults, senior citizens, maternity and others.

· Conduct research of the brand
Although some brands have promotion or sales, it is best to check it out more by asking around your friends via the social media or surf the chatroom or websites for more details. It is better to understand the brand than buying blindly.

With these tips in hand, we hope that you can finally understand the fact that health is not to be compromised, even if you have a tight budget.

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Should men take placenta products?

A loving young couple out on date at a restaurant
Ask any man on the street if they are aware that placentas are beneficial and if they consume placenta products. Chances are, many still feel placenta products are for women only. To men, eating placenta is a grossly scary sight. Even the sound of people eating placentas sends chills to their spine.

In some men’s mind, placenta products are women’s products and consuming them will make them lose their masculinity. This total misconception has become a hindrance to men to take advantage of the full benefits of placentas. The truth is placenta products not only give men youthful-looking skin but also improve their stamina and libido.

Placenta helps improve blood circulation and hence, allowing the body skin’s structure and muscles to be firm and full of vitality. This is essential especially in enhancing the stamina and libido in men. It also boosts cell regeneration with improvement in elastin and hyaluronic acid which acts as skin moisturizer. The hormone level also balances up. With all the goodness of placentas, men should therefore not fear about consuming placenta products. They should try it and experience it!

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Are placenta products considered as halal?

Of late, the Malaysian Islamic Authority, JAKIM has been coming down hard on foods named after words deemed not permissible according to the Islamic law. It has sparked lots of discussions and debates. Now how about placenta? Are placenta products considered halal and permissible for consumption by the Muslim community?

We must firstly take a look at how placenta products are manufactured. There are many stringent steps need to be taken to ensure these products met with the halal industry standard if the manufacturers want them to achieve halal certifications.

In fact, some of the imported brands sold in Malaysia have received the approval from the Federation of Islamic Associations of New Zealand (FIANZ). The process taken has shown these brands care for the Muslim community by ensuring the placenta products are not contaminated with non-halal products. From the intake of raw materials to the final product, steps such as separating the processing rooms, equipment and storage areas away from non-halal products are strictly adhered to. Such steps are important especially in the production of the capsules of the placenta extracts. Some capsules are made of bovine. 

So the question of whether placenta products are safe or not to be consumed by Muslim community, we need to check back the process undertaken by these brands. Some may question if the Malaysian Islamic Authority have given halal certifications to these brands, but if they have gained halal certification from other Islamic Associations or bodies in their respective countries, we can say these placenta products are safe for consumption. 

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Placenta Consumer Series 4: Benefits for Lactating Mothers and Maternity.


Pregnant women and lactating mothers are strict when it comes to their diet. But do you know that placenta products are beneficial for both women in maternity and post-natal birth? For women in maternity, placenta products help balance their hormone level and replenish depleted iron levels and supply the rich nutrients needed for you and the baby you are carrying inside.

As for lactating mothers, we all understand that breastfeeding is important to provide the vital nutrients and vitamins for your newborn. However, many mothers are rather confused on how to provide the right diet and nutrients needed for themselves and the baby. Placenta products will help boost the milk production of your breast, making them firmer and healthier and therefore, increase your confidence and self-esteem too. It also helps reduce post-natal bleeding due to its anti-inflammation and healing properties and thus, your uterus will return to pre-pregnancy state at a faster rate. What’s more, with nutritional supplements that help balance the hormone and endocrine system, women will experience less emotional issues and lead a much cheerful life. Becoming a new mother is no longer a burden but an enriching experience and a bundle of joy now!

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Placenta Consumer Series 3: Benefits for Adults in their Forties and Golden Age.



When you reach your forties, you will pull back the fast pace of your life. Your physical and psychological health tend to take a dive. Men will experience sudden drop in estrogen and testosterone production and hence, they may start to experiencing andropause. Women in their late forties and fifties will experience menopause. With all these imbalance of hormones, people at this age will need to find a solution that can help boost their hormone level as well provide them with nutritional properties needed for their body.

Placenta products help maintain the hormonal balance of their body. It also boosts their stamina and immune system. Placenta also has anti-inflammatory properties and hence, promotes fast recovery of wounds and reduces radiation effects. For those with arthritis pain, placenta will be a great help to reduce the pain. In fact, you can experience youthful looking skin as it helps rejuvenate dull skin cells, lightens freckles, pigmentation and dark spots. And therefore, forties may seem like thirties! For those who may be facing some sexual problems, placenta products can help improve their libido and provide the energy and stamina they need. Other health benefits include healing properties like stroke. It was reported that stroke patients also benefitted from placenta. Stroke happens due to cerebrovascular congenial defects but with placenta which provides rich nutrients to their brain and body, stroke patients gradually manage to improve their health condition. As people age, they may experience insomnia but with a balanced hormone and endocrine system boosted by placenta, people can enjoy a good sleep all the way. In a nutshell, placenta is definitely highly recommended for those in their forties and in their golden age.

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